Academics & research

Currently, research processes are mostly collaborative. Therefore, communication between academics, scientists and researchers is essential.

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Importance of the issue 

Currently, the research proceses are in general of a collaborative nature. Thus, the communication among Scientists, Academics and researchers is fundamental. Under this framework, the exchange networks such as this Alianza strengthen and boost the outreach of new knowledge.

The modern technological resourses support research, by creating channels for the scientific community to perform their activities and communicate their results. In this manner, the existence of a digital space that enables communication among academics working with the One Health approach will allow a participatory structure producing scientific knowledge for the Selva Maya region, Furthermore, this working group might provide opportunities to create contents that allow decision making, such as policy briefs. These in turn will positively impact on protection and conservation for the region.

Group objectives:

-Manage the Scientific and bibliographical information along with the links between researchers and decision makers.

-Promote academic exchange among researchers and students on One-Health associated careers.

-Provide information regarding exchange opportunities among universities in the region and overseas. This includes current information on scholarships and other funds available for students in the region.

Importance of the group for the Selva Maya

Given the current state of affairs of a Selva Maya facing threats that affect the health of ecosystems, wildlife and consequentially of human populations, It is necessary that scientific community work in a participative manner bye creating, exchanging and providing information that allow the decision makers to develop strategies and plans that include the One Health approach. Some intended outcomes are Reduction of zoonoses risk, effective surveillance of patogens in human and animal populations, vector control, vaccination campaigns, outreach of information for the local population, among others. These intentions mirror the recommendations of the publication “Rapid review of the literature on zoonoses in the context of One Health in the selva Maya Region” (Rasche, 2021)

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Sanchez Sorcia






Edgar Arturo
Cuevas Dominguez