Zoonotic and Vector Diseases

In recent years, awareness of the relationship between human health, animal health and ecosystem health has increased.

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Importance of the issue

The public awareness on the relationship among human, animal and ecosystem health has increased in recent years.  For instance, vector-borne diseases affecting human populations might keep reservoirs in wildlife, livestock and domestic animals, and are prone to be affected by environmental changes. Other events associated with One health include Negleted Tropical Diseases (NTDs) Zoonoses, Water and food-borne diseases, food security, antimicrobial resistance, microplastic contamination among others.

The most effective approach to deal with aforementioned issues require a transdisciplinary vision and multi-sectoral work among, Government bodies, NGOS, Local stakeholders, etc.

Group Objectives

-Promote the awareness on the One Health approach among human, animal and ecological health institutions regarding the risk of zoonosis and other diseases spread in human and animal populations.

-Strenghten cooperation and cordination among institutions in the subnational, national and regional level for the early detection and control of diseases and pest.

Importance of the group for the Selva Maya

Breaching the gap among institutions working in Selva Maya under the One Health approach will enable synergies for effective control and prevention of diseases occurring in the human-animal-ecosystem interface. This will lead to solutions both at local and transboundary levels. Furthermore, this will widen the vision of institutions and local communities, to develop integral and sustainable solutions.

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Group member


Sanchez Sorcia


Gutiérrez Cedillo


Cervantes Apango


Juan Octavio
Avila López


Edgar Arturo
Cuevas Dominguez


Karla Rossanet
Dzul Rosado